How can i force the treegrid to display the expand/collapse arrow on each row even thought i haven’t added child rows to the very row.
The reason i am asking this is because i have streaming data from server and at any given moment there may come array with 10 elements each of which contains up to 100+ child rows for the grid and using the add method is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slowly and the UI freezes. So in case i get some data from the server for a particular row i want to show the expand/collapse arrow and when the user clicks on it to insert the childs.
How can i force the treegrid to display the expand/collapse arrow on each row even thought i haven’t added child rows to the very row.
Unfortunately it is not available to display the expand arrow for the childless item if the dhx.Treegrid.
Please, try to use the parse()/load() method to populate the data to the treegrid for the best performance instead of the add() method.
Also, you are able to load a bulk of items in a single add() calling to increase the performance. Something like:
What part of the code should i modify in order to force the treegrid to display the expand/collapse arrow no matter if currently there are child items or not ?
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