TreeGrid: Div not showing when handler function called

I have implemented the treeGrid with checkboxes, as follows:

//Other Grid initializing stuff


function doWhenChecked(row, cell, stage){

//this line show a div


Perform other fucntionalities with JSON remote call


If I perform winList[‘updating’].open(); seperately, my div opens as it should.

If I call the function doWhenChecked(row, cell, stage) by checking a box, the function operates properly, except that the div is not becoming visible as it should.

Why does the div not become visible if called within this other function. I am not sure if it is related to the grid handler , or some other problem.

I don’t think that problem related to the component.
The only difference between calling the function separately and from grid component is used scope

In case of calling function directly it called in global window scope
In case of calling function on grid event it called in grid object scope ( “this” point to grid object )

Maybe it somehow harm your code, you can try the next

function doWhenChecked(row, cell, stage){

    //this line show a div



It will be fully equal to direct function call