treeGrid drag and drop problem

i am currently working on a treegrid with 2 record levels as the following sample shows:

  • parent1
    | +child1.1
    | +child1.2
    | +child2.1
    | +child2.2

    Now I want to enable drag&drop - works fine for the child records. I managed to keep the drop action for childs at the correct levels.
    I am working with dataProcessor.

now I want to drag&drop the parents. For that purpose, I accept the drop only on parent level.

The problem is, that the dataProcessor is moving the childs instead of the parent (i.e. when I dnd parent1 after parent2 - the dataProcessor starts to move child1.1 below parent2) but my business logic keeps the childs with the parent.

Is there a way to tell the dataProcessor to move just the parent record?

thanks in advance

Try to use

dp.setUpdateMode(“cell”, true);

true as second parameter will change processing of dnd in necessary way ( it will produce update actions to the server side script, instead of insert|delete pairs )