treegrid + filter


regarding filtering with treegrid: I wish to get rid(hide) of specific levels of the tree grid? to be more specific:

say we have a tree grid where the tree structure has 4 levels

what i wish to do now is that we want to hide all the level 1 and 2 rows, such that the new tree structure will look like the 3rd level being the root level now. Is this possible?

i want the information to stay as it is,i.e the structure should not be affected, it is only for viewing purposes. For example, when user clicks a button, all level 1/2 are hidden, if he pushed button again, they will reappear.

How can we achieve this?

Thank you,


like the 3rd level being the root level now. Is this possible?
Not possible with existing filtering functionality.

Technically it possible to change structure of inner structure and force the grid to re-render with new hierarchy, but it will require direct manipulations with data objects
If you interested I can provide a more details about possible customization.