treegrid math column type with =sum and seeing NaN

I am using the math column type in a treegrid column. All of the parent rows contain the =sum expression. After the grid is loaded with the XML, all of the parent rows show NaN. If I open the lowest parent row, the grid repaints and now all of the NaN’s disappear and the correct values now display.

I do not want to open the lowest parent row in the XML as most times users do not want to see the children.

What do I do to have the math column properly include the unopened rows in the =sum calculations?

Best regards,


Using 90226 Pro

The most common reason why such happesn is that you are using dinamically loading of sub item. Math formulas can’t calculate values which wasn’t loaded from the server jet.

All of the data for the unopend child rows is included in the XML file that is sent from the server.

The treegrid seems to think that there is more data to come. Why would that be?

Best regards,


Could you please send us code example where this issue occur (plese send it to the