Treegrid moveto & wobble


I’ve inherited a project where data is modified on the backend and this is ‘reflected’ in the treegrid. Most of the time this works fine but I’ve noticed that moveRowDown and moveRowUp don’t work if the node is not visible. For example :

From a closed grid:

tGrid.addRow(1, ‘A’, null, 0);

tGrid.addRow(2, ‘B’, null, 1);

tGrid.addRow(3, ‘C’, null, 1);


Produces node ‘A’ with ‘B’ and ‘C’ underneath (not correct)

whereas :

tGrid.addRow(1, ‘A’, null, 0);

tGrid.addRow(2, ‘B’, null, 1);

tGrid.addRow(3, ‘C’, null, 1);



Produces node ‘A’ with ‘C’ and ‘B’ underneath.

Also when the grid opens in Firefox, there is a momentary “wobble” as the tree column aligns itself - the tree elements appear on the left hand side and then jump into place. This may be a FF problem because it’s not noticeable under IE.

Unfortunately this is known limitation. Closed row hasn’t indexes as them are not rendered. That’s why move row with closed items doesn’t work.