
elements = [ // original hierarhical array to display {key:10, label:"Web Testing Dep.", open: true, children: [ {key:20, label:"Elizabeth Taylor"}, {key:30, label:"Managers", open: true, children: [ {key:40, label:"John Williams"}, {key:50, label:"David Miller"} ]}, {key:60, label:"Linda Brown"}, {key:70, label:"George Lucas"} ]}, {key:80, label:"Kate Moss"}, {key:90, label:"Dian Fossey"} ];

There are way to initialize y-unit by the configuration file from db.

the client side requires tree structure of elements. A list of items can be loaded from the db, but you’ll need to form a tree structure from code. Please check this topic


Thks …

already do some similar, have problem no php on web server only on database…