Trouble attaching form to layout

I’m having trouble attaching a form to my layout. A simplified version of my code is something like this:

[code]dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, “1C”);
tabbar = dhxLayout.cells(“a”).attachTabbar(“left”);
tabbar.addTab(“a1”,“Tab 1”,"*");

grid1 = layout1.cells("a").attachGrid();

var form1
function doOnLoad() {
formData = [{
    type: "settings",
    position: "label-left",
    labelWidth: 130,
    inputWidth: 120
}, {
    type: "fieldset",
    label: "Welcome",
    inputWidth: "auto",
    list: [{
        type: "radio",
        name: "type",
        label: "Already have account",
        labelWidth: "auto",
        position: "label-right",
        checked: true,
        list: [{
            type: "input",
            label: "Login",
            value: "p_rossi"
        }, {
            type: "password",
            label: "Password",
            value: "123"
        }, {
            type: "checkbox",
            label: "Remember me",
            checked: true
        }, {
        type: "radio",
        name: "type",
        label: "Not registered yet",
        labelWidth: "auto",
        position: "label-right",
        list: [{
            type: "input",
            label: "Full Name",
            value: "Patricia D. Rossi"
        }, {
            type: "input",
            label: "E-mail Address",
            value: ""
        }, {
            type: "input",
            label: "Login",
            value: "p_rossi"
        }, {
            type: "password",
            label: "Password",
            value: "123"
        }, {
            type: "password",
            label: "Confirm Password",
            value: "123"
        }, {
            type: "checkbox",
            label: "Subscribe on news"
        }, {
        type: "radio",
        name: "type",
        label: "Guest login",
        labelWidth: "auto",
        position: "label-right",
        list: [{
            type: "select",
            label: "Account type",
            options: [{
                text: "Admin",
                value: "admin"
            }, {
                text: "Organiser",
                value: "org"
            }, {
                text: "Power User",
                value: "poweruser"
            }, {
                text: "User",
                value: "user"
            }, {
            type: "checkbox",
            label: "Show logs window"
        }, {
        type: "button",
        value: "Proceed"
	form1 = layout1.cells("b").attachForm();
	form1.loadStruct(formData, "json");[/code]

The json code is copied from this sample … bject.html, so I really don’t understand why it’s not working for me…but I’ve never used json before so maybe I’m missing something obvious.

Any help is appreciated.


Could you please provide direct link? (you can send it to