Type Error in dhtmlx scheduler using angularjs

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘valueOf’ of undefined
at Object.scheduler.is_visible_events (dhtmlxscheduler.js:171)
at Object.scheduler.get_visible_events [as get_visible_events_rec] (dhtmlxscheduler.js:173)
at Object.e.get_visible_events (dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js:101)
at Object.scheduler.render_view_data (dhtmlxscheduler.js:174)
at Object.scheduler.event_updated (dhtmlxscheduler.js:171)
at Object.scheduler.addEvent (dhtmlxscheduler.js:168)
at Object.e.addEvent (dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js:61)
at angular.app.bundle.js?v=v061719:23315
at m.$eval (angular.js:16820)
at m.$apply (angular.js:16920)

I keep getting this error when i load the events the add event function in angularjs it was working fine but now it always does this


It is difficult to guess what exactly causes the error. Might be you didn’t add any extension https://docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/extensions_list.html

Did you follow the tutorial https://dhtmlx.com/blog/angular-dhtmlxscheduler-tutorial/ ? While you are following these steps, error will not occur.

If that doesn’t help you to find a solution, please add the package with your project that I can run locally. That should help me to understand what goes wrong.