Un group/Regroup

We are using , using “mygrid.groupBy(1);” before i do init() … This is working fine.

We have attached a button below the grid with title as “Ungroup” and attached a function to it’s onclick event… In the function we have written mygrid.unGroup(); this does not work. Even regroup when i send the value it groupBy(val). It doesnt work .Please let me know wat is reason for it.

Try to call mygrid.groupBy(1) after grid was fully loaded:

mygrid.loadXML("…/common/grid.xml", function() {
Please check example here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … group.html


            Ya that s working fine . if i need to do later having set of values to regroup it .I am getting error.

and ungroup is also not working .


Please contact directly support@dhtmlx.com regarding this issue.