My application was existing on treegrid version 1.6 and I migrated it to version 2.0 of the treeGrid yesterday. After the init of the treeGrid I am creating the footers for the treeGrid ( treegrid is in split mode). I am not creating my grid from xml. I am creating it from an array that i send from the server to the client.
The function that I use to create the footer is below.
attachFooter: function()
colspan = “#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,#cspan,”;
total = “Total Strategies,”;
sum1 = “Label 3,”;
sum2 = “Label 4”;
footerStr = total + colspan + sum1 + sum2;
I say
to add the footer.
What i see is the footer is added but i am not able to see the texts that i had set to the footer. This problem is not present in version 1.6. Need a fix for this .
Lagnajeet Sahu
splitAt() method should be executed befor init() method but after attachFooter() method. If issue still occurs please contact support@dhtmlx.com and provide sample where we can reprodue this problem.