Unable to perform mygrid.serialize ()

Hi! Last on the grid will save the data to XML, I used to answer: var xml = mygrid.serialize ().

I tried to write an example. However, the browser prompts: Object does not support this property or method. I do not know if there is a problem, please help me to see. Thank you!

Code is as follows:






        <link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css”


        <link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css”


        <script type=“text/javascript”





















                        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



                        index is 1

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 2

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 3

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 4

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 5

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 6

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 7

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 8

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 9

                        load turn started from 1



                        index is 10




                Set UserData to selected row

                GetUserData from selected row    


                Load Grid from Text Area

                Serialize Grid





Please beware that serialization supported only in pro version of dhtmlxgrid.
By the way, used code is correct.