Unable to scroll up in Mac


I have 70 to 80 tasks, with multiple levels. when the mouse pointer is on the gantt chart/area and i try to scroll down it works, but as soon as i scroll up the scroll doesn’t work

what can i do to rectify it?

thanks for reporting, we’ll check the issue and will try to give you an update soon


Can you please let me know how much more time will it take?


Can you please let me know how much more time will it take?

Can you please let me know how much more time will it take?

sorry for delay, it’s fixed in dev version, please check the attachment.
If you need a commercial or enterprise build - please open a ticket in our support system
dhtmlxGantt_v3.3.11.zip (1.1 MB)


The issue persists with the 4.0 version