Unable to update correct the end date after enabling Work Time = true

Hi All,

We have enable gantt.config.work_time = true;
After this when we are enable to update end date from lightbox.

current task is having start date 13 dec and end date is 13 dec. Now If I update end date to 17 dec .On lightbox save we could see 17 dec but after page refresh date become 14th dec.


Hi @shgodse,
If I understand correctly, the task updates correctly in the client-side, but for some reason, the task doesn’t correctly update on the server-side correctly, or don’t load from the server in the right way?
I tried to reproduce this issue in our snippet tool, using the data array, and gantt.init() to emulate the server update behavior, but all worked correctly, here is a demo with a couple of comments(change the task date, and click “Emulate load+refresh page”, to check) :

Unfortunately, I cant suggest what is the issue, without the example of your backend code. Could you please provide me a kind of demo, where I will be able to reproduce the issue?