Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Hello. I just updated to 4.0.1 and i got the following error cause i have included jquery-1.11.0.min.js.

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded 

Do you know how to fix that ? Cause when i remove jquery, my .getJSON functions are not working…

Unfortunately such error cannot be reproduced locally.
If the problem still occurs for you, please, provide with a complete demo, where the issue can be reproduced.
Here you can find a tutorial about creating a complete demo:
docs.dhtmlx.com/auxiliary_docs__ … pport.html

Here is my js

[code]function doOnLoad() {
var layout, menu, toolbar;
dhtmlx.image_path = “codebase/imgs/”;

$.getJSON('common/json.config.php?setup=custLayout', function (data) {
    //noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage
    layout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, "2E");           //initializes dhtmlxLayout
    if (data[0].objPattern == "2E") {
        layout.cells("a").setText(data[0].cellText);                //sets the text in the header of the 'grid' column
        layout.cells("b").setText(data[0].cellText_2);              //sets the text in the header of the 'form' column
        layout.cells("b").setHeight(200);                           //sets the height of the 'form' column
    } else {
        layout.cells("a").setText(data[0].cellText);                //sets the text in the header of the 'grid' column

    $.getJSON('common/json.config.php?setup=menu', function (data) {
        menu = layout.attachMenu();                                 //initializes dhtmlxMenu
        menu.setIconsPath(data[0].objIconPath);                     //sets the path to custom icons
        menu.loadStruct('data/' + data[0].objXML);                  //loads items from the "data/menu.xml" file to the menu

        $.getJSON('common/json.config.php?setup=custGridToolbar', function (data) {
            toolbar = layout.attachToolbar();                       //initializes dhtmlxToolbar
            toolbar.setIconsPath(data[0].objIconPath);              //sets the path to custom images
            toolbar.loadStruct('data/toolbar.xml');           //loads items from the "data/toolbar.xml" file to the toolbar

            $.getJSON('common/json.config.php?setup=grid', function (data) {
                var grid = layout.cells("a").attachGrid();                          //initializes dhtmlxGrid
                grid.init();                                                    //renders  dhtmlxGrid on the page
                grid.load('data/' + data[0].objXML);                            //loads data from the "/data/" to the grid

                var userForm = layout.cells("b").attachForm();                          //initializes dhtmlxForm
                    userForm.loadStruct('data/form.xml');                         //loads controls, specified in the "data/form.php" file to the form
                    userForm.bind(grid);                                                //binds the form to the grid

                //noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage
                var dpg = new dataProcessor("data/customers.php");                  //inits dataProcessor
                dpg.init(grid);                                                     //associates the dataProcessor instance with the grid

                dpg.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function (sid, action, tid, tag) {
                    if (action == "inserted") {
                        grid.selectRowById(tid);                                    //selects a row
                        userForm.setFocusOnFirstActive();                           //sets focus to the 1st form's input

                userForm.attachEvent("onButtonClick", function (id) {               //attaches a handler function to the "onButtonClick" event
                    userForm.save();                                                //sends the values of the updated row to the server

                toolbar.attachEvent("onclick", function (id) {                      //attaches a handler function to the "onclick" event
                    if (id == "newContact") {                                       //'newContact' is the id of the button in the toolbar
                        var rowId = grid.uid();                                     //generates an unique id
                        var pos = grid.getRowsNum();                                //gets the number of rows in the grid
                        grid.addRow(rowId, ["", "", ""], pos);                      //adds a new row to the grid. The 'addRow()' method takes 3 parameters: the row id (must be unique), the initial values of the row, the  position where the new must be inserted
                    if (id == "delContact") {                                       //'delContact' is the id of the button in the toolbar
                        rowId = grid.getSelectedRowId();                            //gets the id of the currently selected row
                        var rowIndex = grid.getRowIndex(rowId);                     //gets the index of the row with the specified id

                        if (rowId != null) {
                            grid.deleteRow(rowId);                                  //deletes the currently selected row
                            if (rowIndex != (grid.getRowsNum() - 1)) {              //checks whether  the currently selected row is NOT last in the grid
                                grid.selectRow(rowIndex + 1, true);                 //if the currently selected row isn't last - moves selection to the next row
                            } else {                                                //otherwise, moves selection to the previous row
                                grid.selectRow(rowIndex - 1, true)
                });//- grid
            });//- custGridToolbar
        });//- menu
}); //- layout

} //- doOnLoad
dhtmlxEvent(window, ‘load’, doOnLoad);[/code]

And here is my HTML

[code]<?php session_start();
if ((isset($_SESSION[‘Logged’]) && $_SESSION[‘Logged’] = 1)) {} else { header(“Location: login.php”); }

<script src="codebase/dhtmlx.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="codebase/connector/connector.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="common/js/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="common/js/load.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

When im with this exact code, i get Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function for userForm.bind(grid); cause it conflicts with Jquery.

When i remove Jquery include, i get Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined cause i got $.getJSON in my javascript code to load the structure variables dynamically from the db.

Any suggestions about the conflict ? or how to fix .bind

An update on the Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded problem, i changed the code a bit, trying to fix the previous issue and the call stack size issue came up, as expected.

I attached the updated load.js file, so if you got any suggestions, please reply.

Thanks in advance

The extension js and txt is not allowed. - FAIL :frowning:

[code]function doOnLoad() {
var layout, menu, custGridToolbar, formToolbar, userForm, grid, rowId, dp, pos, rowIndex;
dhtmlx.image_path = “codebase/imgs/”;

$.getJSON('common/json.config.php?setup=custLayout', function (data) {
    //noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage
    layout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(data[0].objName, "2E"); //initializes dhtmlxLayout
    if (data[0].objPattern == "2E") {
        layout.cells("a").setText(data[0].cellText); //sets the text in the header of the 'grid' column
        layout.cells("b").setText(data[0].cellText_2); //sets the text in the header of the 'form' column
        layout.cells("b").setHeight(250); //sets the height of the 'form' column
    } else {
        layout.cells("a").setText(data[0].cellText); //sets the text in the header of the 'grid' column

    $.getJSON('common/json.config.php?setup=menu', function (data) {
        menu = layout.attachMenu(); //initializes dhtmlxMenu
        menu.setIconsPath(data[0].objIconPath); //sets the path to custom icons
        menu.loadStruct('data/menu.xml'); //loads items from the "data/menu.xml" file to the menu

        $.getJSON('common/json.config.php?setup=custGridToolbar', function (data) {
            custGridToolbar = layout.cells("a").attachToolbar(); //initializes dhtmlxToolbar
            custGridToolbar.setIconsPath(data[0].objIconPath); //sets the path to custom images
            custGridToolbar.loadStruct('data/toolbar.xml'); //loads items from the "data/toolbar.xml" file to the toolbar

            formToolbar = layout.cells("b").attachToolbar(); //initializes dhtmlxToolbar
            formToolbar.setIconsPath(data[0].objIconPath); //sets the path to custom images
            formToolbar.loadStruct('data/formToolbar.xml'); //loads items from the "data/toolbar.xml" file to the toolbar

            $.getJSON('common/json.config.php?setup=grid', function (data) {
                grid = layout.cells("a").attachGrid(); //initializes dhtmlxGrid
                grid.init(); //renders  dhtmlxGrid on the page
                grid.load("data/customers.php", doOnContentLoaded); //loads data from the "/data/" to the grid

                function doOnContentLoaded() {
                    grid.selectRow(0, true, true, true);

                //noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage
                dp = new dataProcessor("data/customers.php"); //inits dataProcessor
                dp.init(grid); //associates the dataProcessor instance with the grid

                userForm = layout.cells("b").attachForm(); //initializes dhtmlxForm
                userForm.loadStruct("data/form.xml"); //loads controls, specified in the "data/form.xml" file to the form
                userForm.bind(grid); //binds the form to the grid

                dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function (sid, action, tid) {
                    if (action == "inserted") {
                        grid.selectRowById(tid); //selects a row
                        userForm.setFocusOnFirstActive(); //sets focus to the 1st form's input

                formToolbar.attachEvent("onClick", function (id) { //attaches a handler function to the "onclick" event
                    if (id == "update") {
                        userForm.save(); //sends the values of the updated row to the server
                    if (id == "insert") { //'insert' is the id of the button in the toolbar
                        rowId = grid.uid(); //generates an unique id
                        pos = grid.getRowsNum(); //gets the number of rows in the grid
                        grid.addRow(rowId, ["", "", ""], pos); //adds a new row to the grid. The 'addRow()' method takes 3 parameters: the row id (must be unique), the initial values of the row, the  position where the new must be inserted
                    if (id == "delete") { //'delContact' is the id of the button in the toolbar
                        rowId = grid.getSelectedRowId(); //gets the id of the currently selected row
                        rowIndex = grid.getRowIndex(rowId); //gets the index of the row with the specified id

                        if (rowId !== null) {
                            grid.deleteRow(rowId); //deletes the currently selected row
                            if (rowIndex != (grid.getRowsNum() - 1)) { //checks whether  the currently selected row is NOT last in the grid
                                grid.selectRow(rowIndex + 1, true); //if the currently selected row isn't last - moves selection to the next row
                            } else { //otherwise, moves selection to the previous row
                                grid.selectRow(rowIndex - 1, true);

                custGridToolbar.attachEvent("onClick", function (id) {
                    if (id == "retrieve") {
                        grid.clearAndLoad("data/customers.php", function () {
                    if (id == "print") {
            }); //-grid
        }); //- menu
}); //- layout

} //- doOnLoad
dhtmlxEvent(window, ‘load’, doOnLoad);[/code]

I tried to get the same code as “Contact Manager” from demo apps, as i want to make a same app, but when i change a few things, i came up with the same errors.

I dont know what is wrong. I cant find anything. Can you provide a decent support (as forum suppose to give) ??

[code]function doOnLoad() {
var layout, menu, custGridToolbar, formToolbar, grid, userForm, rowId, dp;
dhtmlx.image_path = “codebase/imgs/”;

//noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage
layout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject("custLayout", "2E");

menu = layout.attachMenu();

custGridToolbar = layout.cells("a").attachToolbar();

formToolbar = layout.cells("b").attachToolbar();

grid = layout.cells("a").attachGrid();

//noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsage
dp = new dataProcessor("data/contacts.php");

userForm = layout.cells("b").attachForm();

dp.attachEvent("onAfterUpdate", function (sid, action, tid) {
    if (action == "inserted") {

formToolbar.attachEvent("onclick", function (id) {
    if (id == "update") {
    if (id == "insert") {
        rowId = grid.uid();
        var pos = grid.getRowsNum();
        grid.addRow(rowId, ["", "", ""], pos);
    if (id == "delete") {
        rowId = grid.getSelectedRowId();
        var rowIndex = grid.getRowIndex(rowId);

        if (rowId != null) {
            if (rowIndex != (grid.getRowsNum() - 1)) {
                grid.selectRow(rowIndex + 1, true);
            } else {
                grid.selectRow(rowIndex - 1, true);

dhtmlxEvent(window, ‘load’, doOnLoad);[/code]

Unfortunately the “Maximum call stack size” error cannot be reproduced with the provided code sample.

If the issue still occurs for you, please, provide with a complete demo, where the problem can be reproduced.
Here you can find a tutorial:
docs.dhtmlx.com/auxiliary_docs__ … pport.html

Demo (ZIP): mega.co.nz/#!YZxHiD5J!OeAVZ4f2g … JjV_3NGYec

Note: i want to give the same functions as your Contact Manager demo app.

OK. Just an update. I found that this error is because I init dataProcessor. When i remove the [i]dp.init(grid)[/i] the error is gone, but i got an Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function for userForm.bind(grid);

I still got not support for this. I even updated to 4.0.2 and nothing. I notice that there is no bind() function at Forms API. I dont know which version of dhtmlx.js you used for demo app, but i cant find a solution.

Stackoverflow link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24207535/uncaught-rangeerror-maximum-call-stack-size-exceeded

I apologize for the delay.

Referring to your attached demo:

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Please, try to remove the included connector.js as this library is already included in dhtmlx.js

i get Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function for userForm.bind(grid); cause it conflicts with Jquery.
bind() method requires the dataStore component. according to your demo you have STD version of suite. dhtmlxDataStore is not included in the standard version of dhtmlxSuite.

Regarding to your Compare to Pro Edition link dhtmlxDataProcessor is an Included component in Standard Edition but its not included in the 4.0.2 latest zip ??

OK. Can you please tell me where i can download a working version of DataProcessor, cause your documentation is not really helpfull.

I made the changes, the errors are gone, but the form is not working with the grid.

dhtmlxDataStore not dhtmlxDataProcessor. Sorry, i cannot edit my post

I even used the one in sample from your Git

but the form is not working with the grid.
dataStore component is not included in the standart version. I’ve tried your demo with the PRO version of the grid:
the error on
didn’t occured.

The contact_manager demo app is with PRO version ?

Since the 4.0.3 version of dhtmlx there is a datastore component in the standard dhtmlxSuite build.

Please, try to update your dhtmlxSuite.