Uncaught TypeError: dhx.Layout is not a constructor in dhtmlxGrid v.7.3.2 Professional

We had a dhtmlxGrid v.7.3.2 Professional and is covered by Enterprise License.

We configure the grid inside the layout but it failed to load grid and throw the error “Uncaught TypeError: dhx.Layout is not a constructor”. There is No Front-end Framework dependency in our project.

We did change in common samples file grid_initialization.html to create the attached sample example for reference. Please advice.

GridLayout.zip (483.5 KB)

Below is the simple sample code. Is anything missing here?

const layout = new dhx.Layout("grid", {
		type: "space",
		rows: [
			{ id: "gridboxWrapper" }
	const grid = new dhx.Grid(null, {
		columns: [
			{ width: 150, id: "country", header: [{ text: "Country" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "population", header: [{ text: "Population" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "yearlyChange", header: [{ text: "Yearly Change" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "netChange", header: [{ text: "Net Change" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "destiny", header: [{ text: "Density (P/Km²)" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "area", header: [{ text: "Land Area (Km²)" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "migrants", header: [{ text: "Migrants (net)" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "fert", header: [{ text: "Fert. Rate" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "age", header: [{ text: "Med. Age" }] },
			{ width: 150, id: "urban", header: [{ text: "Urban Pop" }] }
		data: dataset

dhx.Layout component is not included in the dhx.Grid package.
You need to use the dhx.Suite package in this case.

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Thanks @sematik for quick response.