Undefined index : ids ... problem

I am trying to define a form using form_connector.php
I have a simple mysql table (people) with fields: id, firstname, lastname. My php file looks like this:

<?php require_once("config.php"); require_once("../codebase/connector/form_connector.php"); $newUser = new FormConnector($inventory); $newUser-> enable_log('user.log"); $newUser->render_table("people", "id", "firstname, lastname"); ?>
If I look in the log, I get error:

I have been trying to figure this out for the last hour and I could not. Please give me hand

Just an update: If I change the form_connector.php to either grid_connector or combo_connector.php, the script runs fine and returns the proper xml file.

as I understand the form_connector.php needs the ‘?id=…’ in the url.
If I call the php file with the ‘?id=1’ option, it will work.

Please ignore this thread. Everything works, as it should.