UnhandledRejection not working on awaitRedraw

Please look there: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/5393uhfu

I have two promises with errors, first is fetch, and second is dhx.awaitRedraw.
I have there onunhandledrejection function too, which works fine for fetch error, but not working for awaitRedraw.
In my application, only one way I see to awaitRedraw error handling is copy catch fragment to all occurencies of awaitRedraw.
Why onunhandlerejection not working for awaitRedraw errors?

I think that problem is with finish method in Deferred function - if state equals to 4 and not exists next tick, then error is silent and will never display to user. Maybe you can add there console.error and onunhandledrejection event firing?

Thank you for your report. The problem is confirmed. We’ll try to find a solution in future updates.

As a workaround you may use your own custom awaitRedraw function in this case.

I know about that, but it does not solve problems where awaitRedraw was used somewhere in any dhtmlx engine’s function.