Strange problem: Just recently (about 1 month), when using google Chrome, the last filter box on each grid in my app auto-fills with my “firstname.lastname”.
I have tried deleting chrome’s cache, history, etc… but the problem persists.
I have tried clearing the filters after the onload event like below but the problem persists.
Has anyone experienced the same behaviour?
dhtmlXGridObject.prototype.resetFilters = function(){
if (!!this.filters){
for(var i=0;i<this.filters.length;i++){
if (!!this.filters[i][0]) {
Unfortunately the problem cannot be reconstructed locally.
If the problem still occurs for you please, provide a complete demo, demo link or a snippet, where the problem can be reproduced:
I have also come across this issue and can confirm that it is related to the browser’s autofill function; if autofill is disabled the filter works as normal on the DHTMLX grid.
Is it possible to prevent the browser from attempting to autofill the grid’s filter boxes? E.g. by adding autocomplete="false" to the HTML fields that they’re based on?
Could you please, clarify, what filter type exactly you are using. Also, could you please, clarify the moment that it is impossible for you to use the filtering in the grid.
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