Is there any way to change or insert one component in a window after it has shown?
I mean, suppose that you have a window with a scrollview, and inside the scrollview you have a label (as the content)…
Is possible from javascript change the label with a toolbar (or whatever)?
or change the config.label of the label with the definition of the toolbar?
or remove the label from the content of the scrollview and add the toolbar?
I can do it this way:
and it works.
but i like to do something like:
dhx.ui( { view:“toolbar”,type:“SubBar”,id:“mytoolbar”,width: 300,height:50,
{ view:“button”, height:150, label:“HOLA”},
{ view:“button”, height:150, label:“ADIOS”},
{view:“label”, label: texto, id: ‘mensaje’,width:900,height:900}
]} , parent,id);
what do “parent” and “id” mean ?
I have tried for “parent” with $$(“myLabel”), $$(“myLabel”).getParent(), $$(“myLabel”).config, but none of them work.
And what about “id”?
Can you explain a little more about your document “Dynamic UI modification” ( … ifications),
Replacing content of layout’s cell:
dhx.ui({ view:“mylist”, …}, $$(‘mylayout’), “old_view_id”)