"UPDATE" does not work in every case


Here is what the Logfile says when I update a record:

Log started, 21/11/2016 12:11:56

DataProcessor object initialized
1479729346802_gr_id => 1479729346802
1479729346802_c0 => Fritzli
1479729346802_c1 => Langenauer
1479729346802_c2 => fritzli@chaschperli.
1479729346802_c3 => 5
1479729346802_c4 => Computer	Software
1479729346802_!nativeeditor_status => updated
ids => 1479729346802

Row data [1479729346802]
contact_id => 1479729346802
fname => Fritzli
lname => Langenauer
email => fritzli@chaschperli.
category => 5
cat_name => Computer	Software
!nativeeditor_status => updated

UPDATE contacts LEFT JOIN categories ON contacts.category = categories.cat_id SET fname='Fritzli', lname='Langenauer', email='fritzli@chaschperli.', category=5 WHERE contact_id=1479729346802

Edit operation finished
0 => action:updated; sid:1479729346802; tid:1479729346802;

Done in 0.0010159015655518s

No error but when I look into the Database then the record has not changed.
But this works:
UPDATE contacts LEFT JOIN categories ON contacts.category = categories.cat_id SET fname=‘Fritzli’, lname=‘Langenauer’, email=‘fritzli@chaschperli.’, category=5 WHERE contact_id=16

Any idea whats going wrong ?
Is the contact_id value to high (it’s automatically generate by “rowId=contactsGrid.uid();”) ?

Kind regards


It is expected that contact_id field is set to be autogenerated by a database ( auto increment in MySQL ), so when a record comes from a client side with a long numeric ID, it will not be stored in DB, but a normal DB id will be generated and sent back.

In your case, it seems that auto increment was not enabled, and not it doesn’t work because number length exceeds the field size of contact_id ( MySQLwill drop extra digits without any warning message and as result update will not work )