Update operation

Dear sir,

I am using the update operation through the grid part.

I have ‘Update button’ under the Grid. It means after changing the row , i am trying to click the update button under the grid .

All the rows are updation while cliking the update button. But i need update suceesful message or unsuccessful message.

my code

mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridbox’);




    mygrid.setHeader(“SR.No,PR.No,BAANORDER NO,Po No,Order Date,Item Name,Project Name,Quantity Order,Price”);












    mygrid.parse(’<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><%=tableData%>’);

    myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor(“updateCost.jsp”);




    myDataProcessor.setUpdateMode(“off”);//available values: cell (default), row, off




So please give me the answer.

But i need update suceesful message or unsuccessful message.
If you what message after rows was updated on the server side you can use “onAfterUpdate” event. This event occurs for each action tag in xml response
//any custom code
return true;
Event handler has parameters:
sid - existing id of item;
action - action type;
tid - new id of item;
xml node object from server side response, related to current record.