I have a grid with a number of columns, I use the splitAt(2) to keep the first two columns visible when the user scrolls right.
All working fine.
However, when i try to detect updates
using either:
myDataProcessor = new dataProcessor(“update.jsp”);
myDataProcessor.setUpdateMode(“cell”);//available values: cell (default), row, off
neither seems to be fired.
If I edit the value in col3 everything is fine.
If i then change the split to be splitAt(3), the updates to column 3 are not detected.
Any Ideas ?
Such problem was confirmed and fixed with initial version of dhtmlxGrid 1.3 , fix will be available as part of oncoming build.
If you need fix ASAP - please contact us at dhtmlx@scand.com and provide your customer number - we will send you an updated code.