Since I have upgraded to dhtmlxPro I have the following problem (as documented in attached example):
under Internet Explorer, the window.close() function fails IF I have defined a layout object in the window. If, instead of using the dhtmlxPro library I use the simple dhtmlx library the problem goes away. Both pro and normal work fine with Chrome, but unfortunately I cannot force customer to use chrome, and I only purchased pro version to be correct with yourselves!
The example attached, has two menu items under the “elezioni” heading, one labeled “With Layout object” and one “without”. as you will see they both call the same code, that simply opens a window, but the first one also creates a layout object. If I try clicking in the closewindow (X) box, and I use the dhtmlxPro library, this fails with IE9 testCloseWin.rar (1016 Bytes)
Actually, the problem is worst: It happens even with a freshly downloaded copy of dhtmlx “free” edition! It only works with an old version you sent me on 1-oct-2012!
Please try to use attached dhtmlxcommon.js or dhtmlx.js instead of libraries from the package. Hope it will solve the problem. (6.85 KB)
It fixes that THAT problem, but breaks my whole project both in Chrome and IE!!!, so that’s no fix unfortunately. I would be very happy to document the new buts that come up, but I’d have to send you a zillion pages of js, html, php …
Sorry, Alexandra, but as a “general” comment: I’ve been using dhtmlx for over a year now, and about 50% of the problems I have had, you or Stan have had to send me updated code. I paid for the Pro version, which however I find out introduces more problems than the previous version I had of the “free” version. Now my support for the pro version has expired, but I still think I should receive updates that are bug-fixes. After all, I spent half my time (I’ve been fighting with a page against the java connector for 2 days - and am pretty sure the problem isn’t my code), trying to understand if bugs are my fault or yours!
please send the message at sales (at) or create the ticket in Members’ Support. And provide the complete demo that reproduces the problem. Please include the libs from the Suite edition you obtained.
With regards to window closing under IE9 the code I already submitted to you is sufficient, and certainly proves that the proVersion I purchased was SERIOUSLY flawed with regards to IE9. I didn’t find out before, because I always use Chrome.
Could you please be so kind as to submit on my behalf, explaining the situation,
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