Usage with Typescript

I am using the PRO trial version of the Scheduler. I read that you’ve introduced a destructor in v6 that can be used for SPA applications. As I am building a React app, I decided to try it out. I am following the provided example at: DHTMLX Scheduler 6.0 with ES6 Module Support, Destructors, API updates.

import { Scheduler } from "dhtmlx-scheduler";
gives me a
The requested module '/dhtmlxscheduler/dhtmlxscheduler.js' does not provide an export named 'Scheduler'.

I see the definition present in the d.ts file:

export declare var scheduler: SchedulerStatic;
export declare var Scheduler: SchedulerEnterprise;

Is this because the .js is minified? How am I supposed to handle that?

Yes, I am importing from the proper file. If I don’t use a named import and just leave it as:
import "dhtmlxscheduler";
and use the global instance, everything works properly.

If you’re using the trial version of the Scheduler, you can add the Scheduler to your React project in two ways:

  1. you can add the Pro version to your project by hand.
  2. you can make a package out of the Pro version of the component by yourself and add it to your projects from a local directory.
    There is an article about it:
    Ways to Install Scheduler Scheduler Docs ;

In the trial version, use the following command to import files:

import { scheduler } from 'dhtmlx-scheduler';

For the Commercial, Enterprise or Ultimate version the command looks like this:

import { Scheduler } from 'dhtmlx-scheduler';

Please check the React demo with trial version of Scheduler: