Can we use checkboxes or radio buttons in a tree grid, i know this can be done using dhtmlxtree
wish to knw any api or reference for using checkboxes dhtmlxtreegrid
You can create a “ch” columns before or after “tree” column - so it will look as “item with checkboxes”
With such design you will be able to access checkboxes the same as any other cell in grid.
I’m trying to make treegrid with check box too. Added a check box column next to the treegrid column but I would like to have the same indentation like check box in dhtmlxtree. So when I expand my tree, children’s check boxes are also indented. I load my grid data through XML. Is it possible to have such layout?
unfortunately it’s not available in dhtmlxTreeGrid
ohhh… it’s a pitty, I didn’t know that