User Groups Problem

I have just started using your WordPress scheduler plugin (v2) with WP 2.9.2, it looks really interesting but I have a problem, none of my users can see the calendar at all. They can see the page, but nothing calendar related displays on it, as admin user, I can see and manage events and that seems fine.
I notice in the admin section that visibility/permissions are restricted to default WordPress groups/roles - editor, author etc, but all of my users belong to custom roles (with Role Manager plugin). I don’t know if this is causing the problem. Is there any way to add these custom roles to the permissions panel in the admin section?

Problem confirmed

We will add ability to define global access right , for any user group, which will resolve issue in your case. Updated version of plugin will be available on the next week.

Excellent thanks, I look forward to it.

I am also using User Role Editor and thus I have dedicated groups. When reading your answer I was expecting that all those customised groups would have been selectable in “access rights” option panel but it is not.
Could you tell me if you expect to have this available in a future version ?
If not I will modify directly your code to be in line with “my” groups.

next WP plugin version will have ability to specify user groups list. But it’s not integrated with User Role Editor. Anyway you will have to customize plugin but this will be easier.

OK, thanks for the next update.
In the mean time I made a simple modification to allow all my users to create Events, as anyway all my blog is “Member Only” and as I trust all my members which have specific roles, here is what I did on event-calendar-scheduler/codebase/dhtmlxSchedulerConfigurator.php on line 554 :

if (!isset($settings["access_".$usertype."View".$user_postfix])) { $settings["access_".$usertype."View".$user_postfix] = "true"; $settings["access_".$usertype."Add".$user_postfix] = "true"; $settings["access_".$usertype."Edit".$user_postfix] ="true"; } /* if (!isset($settings["access_".$usertype."View".$user_postfix])) { $settings["access_".$usertype."View".$user_postfix] = "true"; $settings["access_".$usertype."Add".$user_postfix] = "false"; $settings["access_".$usertype."Edit".$user_postfix] = "false"; } */