

1. Can I change the name of Userdata tag?

Consider there is userdata with the name “oldname” and I want to change that name like this way changeUserDataName(rowId,oldname,newname).

2. Can I have multiple Userdata tag with the same name in the given scope(row/grid) ?

if yes, what I ll get if I call mygrid.getUserData(rowId,name);

1.  Can I change the name of Userdata tag?

There is no API to change userdata name. You can just set previous name of row userdata as null and set new one:

var ud =  mygrid.getUserData(rowId,oldName);



>> 2. Can I have multiple Userdata tag with the same name in the given scope(row/grid) ?

There is no opportunity to set multiple userdata with the same name for one row.