Using dhx grid in scheduler lightbox

I’m trying to setup the dhx grid in the scheduler lightbox but i get this error when referring to the grid (created in the set_value of scheduler.form_blocks) in the get_value

part of the code for example


window.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function(){

            scheduler.locale.labels.timeline_tab = "Timeline";
            scheduler.config.wide_form = true;

            var sections=[
        {key:1, label:"James Smith"},
        {key:2, label:"John Williams"},
        {key:3, label:"David Miller"},
        {key:4, label:"Linda Brown"}

            name:	"timeline",
            x_unit:	"day",
            x_date:	"%d",
            x_step:	1,
            x_size: 30,
            x_start: 0,
            x_length: 7,
            y_unit:	sections,
            y_property:	"section_id",
            round_position: true

      scheduler.form_blocks["roles_id_editor"] = {
            render: function (sns) {
            return `
            <p style="margin-left: 12.2%">
                <button class="btn btn-primary btn-custom-lbx" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#roleid_controls" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseExample">
                    Role ID
            <div class="collapse" id="roleid_controls" style="margin-top: 15px;">
                <div id="role_autocomplete_btn">
                    <div class="input-group input-group-sm mb-3">

                    <button class="btn-sm btn-danger" type="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="deleteRow" id="delete_row_role_btn" style="margin-left: 10px">
                    Delete Row
                <button class="btn-sm btn-danger" type="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="addRow" id="add_row_role_btn" style="margin-left: 35px">
                    Add Row
                <div id="grid_roles_ids" style="height: 230px;margin-left: 10px;margin-right: 10px;"></div>

            set_value: function (node, value, ev) {

            var role_options_api = "";
            var json_role = [];

            var grid_role = new dhx.Grid("grid_roles_ids", {
            columns: [
        {width: 50, id: 0, header: [{text: "ID"}], editable: false, type: "string", hidden: true},
        {width: 50, id: 1, header: [{text: "ID_hidden"}], editable: false, type: "string", hidden: true},
            width: 300, id: 2, header: [{text: "Roles"}], editable: true, type: "string",
            editorType: "select", options: role_options_api
        {width: 115, id: 3, header: [{text: "Standard Util"}], type: "string"},
        {width: 115, id: 4, header: [{text: "Period 1 Util"}], type: "string"},
        {width: 115, id: 5, header: [{text: "Period 1 Days"}], type: "string"},
        {width: 115, id: 6, header: [{text: "Period 2 Util"}], type: "string"},
        {width: 115, id: 7, header: [{text: "Period 2 Days"}], type: "string"}

            headerRowHeight: 33,
            rowHeight: 35,
            editable: true,
            selection: "cell",
            data: json_role

            $('#add_row_role_btn').click(function () {
            0: "=",
            1: "=",
            2: " ",
            3: "1",
            4: "0",
            5: "0",
            6: "0",
            7: "0"
        }, 0);

            $('#delete_row_role_btn').click(function () {
            const cell = grid_role.selection.getCell();


            get_value: function (node, ev) {

            var test_ = grid_role.export.csv({
            name:"grid_role", // grid data will be exported to a CSV file named "grid_data"
            rowDelimiter: "\n", // the tab delimiter will be used to separate rows
            columnDelimiter: "•", // the semicolon delimiter will be used to separate columns
            asFile: false

            focus: function (node) {


        {name:"description", height:50, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true},
        {name:"custom", height:30, type:"select", options:sections, map_to:"section_id" },
        {name: "Role ID", height: 28, map_to: "", type: "roles_id_editor"},
        {name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"}

            scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(),"timeline");
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 09:00", end_date: "2017-06-30 12:00", text:"Task A-12458", section_id:1},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 10:00", end_date: "2017-06-30 16:00", text:"Task A-89411", section_id:1},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 10:00", end_date: "2017-06-30 14:00", text:"Task A-64168", section_id:1},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 16:00", end_date: "2017-06-30 17:00", text:"Task A-46598", section_id:1},

        { start_date: "2017-06-30 12:00", end_date: "2017-06-30 20:00", text:"Task B-48865", section_id:2},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 14:00", end_date: "2017-06-30 16:00", text:"Task B-44864", section_id:2},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 16:30", end_date: "2017-06-30 18:00", text:"Task B-46558", section_id:2},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 18:30", end_date: "2017-06-30 20:00", text:"Task B-45564", section_id:2},

        { start_date: "2017-06-30 08:00", end_date: "2017-06-30 12:00", text:"Task C-32421", section_id:3},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 14:30", end_date: "2017-06-30 16:45", text:"Task C-14244", section_id:3},

        { start_date: "2017-06-30 09:20", end_date: "2017-06-30 12:20", text:"Task D-52688", section_id:4},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 11:40", end_date: "2017-06-30 16:30", text:"Task D-46588", section_id:4},
        { start_date: "2017-06-30 12:00", end_date: "2017-06-30 18:00", text:"Task D-12458", section_id:4}

Hello @scaondhtmlx ,

Thank you for the detailed description of the issue and code fragments. The issue occurs because the var grid_role is defined in the setValue, and is non-accessible from the getValue (as it’s the same level scopes).

In order to avoid this issue, you can define the grid_role outside the getValue, so it will be accessible from both methods, as follows:

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){

    var grid_role;
    set_value: function (node, value, ev) {
     grid_role = new dhx.Grid("grid_roles_ids", {

Here is the updated demo:

Using suite components inside the lightbox also requires initializing grid on each lightbox open(if you require different grids for each event), so you can use the following demo(describes adding suite calendar into the lightbox) as a code reference:

You can read more about its logic in the following topic:

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