Using eval() on the calendar it is safe?


Im using this calendar: New Demo: Car Rental Calendar (JavaScript + PHP)
On the dhtmlxscheduler.js ressource you are using on line 3184 the eval() function.

eval(“(” + data + “)”))
It is really safe to use this function?

Thank you

also using eval here

Hello @julian_goncalves ,

The eval calls are parts of the deprecated dhtmlxEventable interface:*1p09h9r*_ga*MTE2NjAwMzg1Ni4xNjU4MTQ0MDYy*_ga_N87XPB4GSG*MTY2NzU3NTk2NS4yMzQuMS4xNjY3NTc2Mjk3LjAuMC4w#5360:~:text=dhtmlDragAndDropObject-,dhtmlxEventable,-dhtmlxError

Which is not uses in scheduler from the 6.0 so don’t worry about this method.

Currently it stays in code just for compatibility for projects that already uses it.
Anyway we will remove it from sources in some of future versions.

Kind regards,

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