Vault error

I do not speak English, so I’m using the google translator.

I’m using version 1.6 of the vault, but for some reason is not uploading


</ div> dhtmlXVaultObject vault = new (); vault.setImagePath ("codebase / imgs /"); vault.setServerHandlers ("handlers \ aspx \ UploadHandler.ashx" "Handlers \ aspx \ GetInfoHandler.ashx" "Handlers \ aspx \ GetIdHandler.ashx"); vault.create (vaultDiv "); [/code] I've checked permissions on folders and are still in error, but do not know to debug to find the error.

it’s completely wrong code, where did you get it? … htmlxvault

this is the correct code, but even this does not effect the upload

<div id="vaultDiv"> </ div>
vault = new dhtmlXVaultObject ();
            vault.setImagePath ("codebase/imgs/");
            vault.setServerHandlers ("handlers\aspx\UploadHandler.ashx"
            vault.create ("vaultDiv ");
</ Script>
vault = new dhtmlXVaultObject (); vault.setImagePath ("codebase/imgs/"); vault.setServerHandlers ("handlers\aspx\UploadHandler.ashx" "Handlers\aspx\GetInfoHandler.ashx" "Handlers\aspx\GetIdHandler.ashx"); vault.create ("vaultDiv ");

Well, this is very few information. First of all, try if the handlers work - run it
“Handlers\aspx\GetIdHandler.ashx” in your browser, check what is the response, same for each other handler.

thanks, found the error with your help … for some reason the IIS was giving this error:

It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition = 'MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

Recreated the virtual directory and it worked.
