I do not speak English, so I’m using the google translator.
I’m using version 1.6 of the vault, but for some reason is not uploading
</ div>
dhtmlXVaultObject vault = new ();
vault.setImagePath ("codebase / imgs /");
vault.setServerHandlers ("handlers \ aspx \ UploadHandler.ashx"
"Handlers \ aspx \ GetInfoHandler.ashx"
"Handlers \ aspx \ GetIdHandler.ashx");
vault.create (vaultDiv ");
I've checked permissions on folders and are still in error, but do not know to debug to find the error.
Well, this is very few information. First of all, try if the handlers work - run it
“Handlers\aspx\GetIdHandler.ashx” in your browser, check what is the response, same for each other handler.
thanks, found the error with your help … for some reason the IIS was giving this error:
It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition = 'MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
Recreated the virtual directory and it worked.
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