Vertical lines are misaligned at Bar mode of Timeline

Hi there,

I have an issue the vertical lines to divide each day are misaligned.
Are there something wrong settings in my code?

↓ the target lines:

The code for top timeline(Car No./Car Model):

scheduler1.plugins({ treetimeline: true, tooltip: true }) =
    scheduler1.config.header = ['date', 'prev', 'today', 'next']
    scheduler1.locale.labels.timeline_tab = 'Timeline'
    scheduler1.locale.labels.timeline_scale_header =
      "<div class='timeline_item_cell' style='width: 50%;'>Car No.</div>" +
      "<div class='timeline_item_separator'></div>" +
      "<div class='timeline_item_cell' style='width: 50%;'>Car Model</div>"
    scheduler1.xy.nav_height = 24
    scheduler1.xy.scale_height = 20

      name: 'timeline',
      render: 'bar',
      x_unit: 'hour',
      x_date: '%G',
      second_scale: {
        x_unit: 'day',
        x_date: '%F/%j(%D)',
      x_step: 2,
      x_size: 36,
      x_length: 12,
      y_unit: reservedCarNoList,
      y_property: 'code',
      folder_dy: 25,
      dy: 25,
      section_autoheight: false,

    scheduler1.templates.timeline_date = (start, _) => {
      const convertToStringDate = scheduler1?.date.date_to_str('%Y')
      return convertToStringDate(start)
    scheduler1.templates.timeline_scale_label = (_, label, event) =>
      `<div class='timeline_item_cell' style='width:50%;text-align:start;border-right:1px #e0e0e0 solid;'>${label}</div>` +
      `<div class='timeline_item_cell' style='width:50%;text-align:start;'>${
        reservationList.find((x) => x.code=== event.code)?.label ?? ''

    scheduler1.templates.timeline_second_scalex_class = (date) =>
      (['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'][date.getDay()] ?? '') +
      (holidayList.find((x) => === moment(date).format('YYYYMMDD')) ? ' holiday' : '')
    scheduler1.templates.timeline_scalex_class = (date) => ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 22, 23].includes(date.getHours()) ? 'extra-time' : '')
    scheduler1.timeline_scaley_class = (_, __, event) => colorEvenRow(event.index)
    scheduler1.timeline_cell_class = (_, __, event) => colorEvenRow(event.index)
    scheduler1.templates.event_class = (_, __, event) => setLineStyle(event)

    scheduler1.init('TimelineView1', viewDate, 'timeline')

the code for second timeline(Available Cars):

    scheduler2.plugins({ timeline: true }) = ''material'
    scheduler2.config.header = ['date', 'prev', 'next']
    scheduler2.xy.nav_height = 18
    scheduler2.xy.scale_height = 24

      name: 'timeline',
      render: 'bar',
      x_unit: 'day',
      x_date: '%n/%j',
      x_step: 1, 
      x_size: 3,
      x_length: 1,
      y_unit: unreservedCarNoList,
      y_property: 'code',
      folder_dy: 18,
      dy: 18,
      section_autoheight: false,

    scheduler2.templates.timeline_date = (_, __) => 'Available Cars'
    scheduler2.templates.timeline_scaley_class = (_, __, event) => colorEvenRow(event.index)
    scheduler2.templates.timeline_cell_class = (_, __, event) => colorEvenRow(event.index)

    scheduler2.init('StatusView', viewDate, 'timeline')


    <div id="TimelineView1" class="dhx_cal_container">
      <div class="dhx_cal_navline">
        <div class="dhx_cal_prev_button"></div>
        <div class="dhx_cal_next_button"></div>
        <div class="dhx_cal_today_button"></div>
        <div class="dhx_cal_date"></div>
      <div class="dhx_cal_header"></div>
      <div class="dhx_cal_data"></div>

    <div id="StatusView" class="dhx_cal_container">
      <div class="dhx_cal_navline">
        <div class="dhx_cal_date"></div>
      <div class="dhx_cal_data"></div>

It would be appreciated if you had any solutions.
Thank you for your kind support in advance.


Hi @meicom,

Looks like misalignment comes from different columns count in bottom and top scheduler(difference in the left side), but I can’t say for sure, as there is not enough code to run scheduler and check it out.

It will be helpful if you reproduce the current config in the following demo:
(open the demo => reproduce the issue => click the “Save” button => post here the new link).

So I will be able to research what exactly goes wrong, and is there a possibility to fix the misalignment.

The other possible reasons are - additional CSS applied to schedulers, specific browser rendering, using browser zoom different from 100%.

Kind regards,

1 Like

Hi @Siarhei ,

【1】As your kind suggestion, I added a part of my codes into the snippet but it sadly didn’t work and display the layout having its issue well.
my version:
(By the way, is the snippet compatible with the multiple timeline feature from Scheduler Pro version…?)

As you told me, it seems that the issue of misaligned vertical borderline occurs difference with the below setting in each view:


For example,
▼View1 (that expresses the outlook of assigned drivers at each LOCAL bus for 3 days)

      name: 'timeline3days',    //*we have some patterns like 1day and 3days
      render: 'bar',
      x_unit: 'hour',
      x_date: '%G',
      second_scale: {
        x_unit: 'day',
        x_date: '%n%j',
      x_step: 2,    //*this option
      x_size: 36,   //*this option
      x_length: 12,

▼View2 (that expresses the outlook of assigned drivers at each EXPRESS bus for 3 days)

      name: 'timeline3days',    //*we have some patterns like 1day and 3days
      render: 'bar',
      x_unit: 'day',
      x_date: '%n/%j',
      x_step: 1,   //*this option
      x_size: 3,   //*this option
      x_length: 1,

The problem is that we need the 2 layouts like above.

【2】Also, I found the another issue.
When there were 2 labels in the left section area, the 2nd label element drops down under the 1st label.

↓there is the 2nd element folding down under the 1st element.

It may occur because the width size in label area is slightly different.

Probably, it has related to the same option:


Would you have any good solutions?

Thank you for your cooperation as always.


Hello @Siarhei,

Would it be difficult to fix the vertical border misalignment? :worried:
