edit only own user event in shared events got worked. thank you
1. But the user should view the event window (on an event click) with start_date,end_date, re_type and details all disabled or not editable .For this what all modifications are required in javascript?
2. To vallidate details , the function dp.attachEvent(“onBeforeDataSending”,function(id) given is not working .
var id= scheduler._select_id is returning null value. what does scheduler._select_id means ?
But the user should view the event window (on an event click) with start_date,end_date, re_type and details all disabled
Oncoming update (2.1) will provide and extension to show the details form in the disabled state.
can you plz mention when will u release new updated version 2.1 of dhtmlxscheduler?
New version will be released till the end of November. ( the code is finalized, so if you need it ASAP - contact us at support@dhtmlx.com )