Is there an existing way (or would somebody have an implementation idea/advice ?) to build a week view whose each day would be divided into section. Each event related on section beeing display in section column.
That looks like the current “Section view” but with a week and a section representation day by day.
By example :
[ Monday ] | [ Tuesday ] | [...]
[ Paul ] [ Jack ] [ John ] | [ Paul ] [ Jack ] [ John ] | [...]
| (ev) | | (ev) | | |
| | | | | (ev) |
(ev) | | | (ev) | (ev) | |
And even, if possible, to be able to display specific sections day by day.
In this case, “John” won’t be display in Tuesday column.
[ Monday ] | [ Tuesday ] | [...]
[ Paul ] [ Jack ] [ John ] | [ Paul ] [ Jack ] | [...]
| (ev) | | (ev) | |
| | | | |
(ev) | | | (ev) | (ev) |
there is no simple way to do it. You may check sources of unit view extension, and maybe try modifying it for your needs, but this would be a complex customization
Thanks for your reply, I will study this point.
As member support, would you know if this kind of view is a more or less common request ? (just to know)
Hello Aliaksandr, and support members, and visitors,
I’m back with this idea and ready to try an implementation.
Could someone confirm me that the point of start is really the Unit extension ? And particulary if I have to work on a fork of Unit extension by implementing the “week view” in it or the inverse (starting with Week view code and adding Unit implementation) ?
Or maybe there is a better way ?
If you have some (quick or not) advices, or some tricks, or some point-by-point “roadmap” (even brainstorming) to get this behaviour, they are welcome !
I start… now ! So do not hesitate to “bring” some answer(s) if you can
(I would be really pleased to be reassured about the point of start)
Scheduler allows to create a custom views based on week view, so you can create a view which has 14 days. Also, you can define your own template function for header rendering, so it will render the same day for each two cells but with different user name.
That was an easy part
There are two methods in the scheduler which are used to locate the column in which event will be rendered - _get_event_sday and and locate_holder_day. You can check sources of units extension where they already modified. Something similar ( but not very similar ) need to be done in your case. Also you will need to define a _mouse_coords which will return date based on the position in scheduler.
P.S. We are providing paid customization services. You can contact sales department at
P.P.S. We are considering adding such kind of view as built in functionality, but as it doesn’t play well with existing scheduler architecture, it may be added only after 5.0 release, that, hopefully, will make scheduler a lot more customizable.
Effectively the current behaviour (about “colums” with dates) is not convenient for a such adaptation.
That can work with a fork of Unit View and adaptation of native functions _reset_scale() (to build “unit x days” holder) and _mouse_coords() (to get both position of day and unit) to play with days and “Unit by day” position but the compatibility with extensions (like limit.js, among others) does not follow.
About your P.P.S. :
After reading some topics in the forum, if I have well understood and roadmap is still valid, a (semi)version would be released next month and the 5.0 in spring (maybe an idea of the month ?), that is right ?
And to be sure to fully understand, about the fact that a such kind of view (unit by day) is under consideration, if added to the roadmap this view “would” be studied only after spring so ?
We will release version 4.1 in February-March, and version 5.0 is planned on May 2014
For version 5.0 we plan to rework the inner architecture of scheduler. Originally it was maded only for day/weel/month views so custom views need to be based on tricky hacks. If all goes fine, in version 5.0 we will have a more straight way to define custom views. Creating view as above described one will still take some coding, but it will be a stable public API, not the altering of internal logic.
I have read recently that you “plan to release update of dhtmlxScheduler by the end of April or at the beginning of May”.
I ask myself about the previous conversation in this topic, with either the possibility of including a native “Unit week view” or the implementation of a friendly API to create one.
From now on, have you got more visibility about one of these two choices ? Or perhaps you do not think to allow this view finally ?
Thanks for your answer. I admit that I would love to know if this feature could be done natively or easy-to-do, in a future (near future, or even a idea of date if possible, if you hage already thought about it ?). That’s the only feature that really puzzled me.
PS : perhaps I wrong, but I imagine that provided paid customization services would lead to an update of almost every extension, in addition to main script ; and even would break compatibility with future version of the scheduler (5.0, …) ?
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