We are analyzing this tool as we are planning to buy this tool.
As per our requirement in a java project ,we want to display number of resources(data from database) on Y axis against each day on the month,week and day view.
Currently we are only able to see the resources against a day in TimeLine View only .Same way we want to display for month,day and week view.
Is it possible?Please provide some code or demo so that we can also see and run.
Hello Polina,
Thanks for the update. Just have few more queries given below.
1.We want to display a footer in scheduler where we want to display the total number of events for a day in a timeline view.
I have shared screen in attached section. Please suggest through some sample code snippet.
2.Can you please suggest is it possible to use java connector for connecting to the database MS SQL server and is it possible to call procedures?
Is it possible in a timeline view to disable some of the rows and enable of the cell in the rows?
Please do let us know ASAP as we have some critical deliverables.
We have no built-in solution for solve the issue. You can create footer from outside the container with Scheduler and display there number of events. You can get the array with required events by using getEvents method: docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/api__s … vents.html
Example, numbers of events displaying by using templates: docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/snippet/8ea5c6af
Can you please provide some sample code for how to connect to the MS Sql server through java code ?
I want to know where and how to write the code for initialization of connector both at server and client side? I am using jsp and struts2 as technology.( one sample code where they are fetching data from server and loading data into scheduler and saving back in to database using java)
I am using Scheduler and view is timeline for displaying resources as a separate column against each day.
Connection conn= ( new DataBaseConnection()).getConnection();
OptionsConnector list = new OptionsConnector(conn);
SchedulerConnector c = new SchedulerConnector(conn);
c.set_options("type", list);
These samples use MySQL. You should only change connection to mssql one and it should work fine.
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