Web server for Vault

We want to use Vault on our web system. Our web system runs on Tomcat.

Do we need IIS or Apache web server in addition to Tomcat server to run Vault?


Vault consist of two parts: client-side application you see in a browser and server script which handle uploaded files. Last one can be written on any server-lang which can handle uploading.

Vault already have example in java, please check dhtmlxVault.zip/samples/dhtmlxVault/server/upload_handler.jsp

I can find only “upload_conf.php”…
Could you pls provide me with “upload_conf.jsp” sample for this?


Just downloaded to re-check - archive is okey.

I found the file upload_handler.jsp in the archive.

Do you mean that I only need “upload_handler.jsp” on Java server without any conf file as it is for PHP. (upload_conf.php and upload_handler.php) ?

Well, let me explain

  1. uploader_handler

this is server side examples for vault, this part required for correct work. we have the following examples:
upload_handler.ashx and upload_handler.ashx.cs - for asp
upload_handler.jsp - for jsp (I guess you need this one)
upload_handler.php - for php

  1. get_records.php
    this is for 06_advanced/02_loading_records_from_server.html demo, load files list into vault, php example only, but all you need is json/xml struct from here docs.dhtmlx.com/api__dhtmlxvault_load.html

  2. upload_conf.php
    this script provide init json for our online demos according this document docs.dhtmlx.com/vault__object_constructor.html