I have a couple questions. Hopefully you can help!
Question 1: In the week view, the date reads 4 Jul 2010 - 11 Jul 2010
July 4th is a Sunday and July 11th is also a Sunday. But, the calendar is showing Sunday July 4th through Saturday July 10th. Therefore, I want the week heading to read 4 Jul 2010 - 10 Jul 2010. Where can I change that?
Question 2: I created my own lightbox and am not using the data processor for saving events. So when an event saves, I need to refresh the screen so the event has all the correct data. Calling load() works, and it refreshes as expected. However, that’s not ideal if you’re adding an event far in the future, as load will return to the default view of today’s date. Is there a way to refresh from xml and stay in the current view? In other words, if I create an event in August, I want the screen to stay showing August after I reload my xml.
Thanks in advance,