What i looking for is a solution to create a tree like a web

what i looking for is a solution to create a tree like a website tree
menu, where i can via right click 
context menu doing some things like delete… and  on the right site from the tree a tabbar
where i have two, tree … tabs , when i click on a tree item i have than in
each tab a different form with some infos about this item what i can edit and

do you think, this is possible?

It is possible:

You can enable context menu for tree, and use tree.setContextMenuHandler wich
set function called after a button of a context menu clicked. This function
gets id of clicked item in menu and related item in tree - so any kind of
action can be executed.

  1. The tree has onclick event which can be used for triggering any kinds
    of event. The tree package includes PHP sample, where onClik item details
    requested from DB and shown in related form with possibiliti to edit and save.