When a milestone is auto_schedule=false, if the milestone has a pre-set task, how can I keep the end time of the pre-set task from exceeding the start time of the milestone?
This task milstone11 is auto_schedule=false,predecessor = 4,
The predecessor of Task #2 is 3
How do I keep task#1 and task#2 from ending after the start of milstone11?
Do the same if there are other tasks to the left of the milestone.
Achieve the following effect.
Why can task5 be changed?I looked for a while and couldn’t find the reason.
When I added the link again, I found that the start date was the time that had not been changed during the drag
So, it is expected that it is moved to another date.
After you drag task #1 and call the correctTaskDates function in the onBeforeTaskUpdate event handler, it modifies the dates of the task. It works for tasks #1 and #2 as their successor is a milestone. But the function is not called for tasks #5 and #6 because there is no successor milestone for them.
Can you give me a hand?
When Task #2 is connected to milstone11,Milstone11 has been set to auto_scheduling = false, how can Task #2 be dragged without affecting the connected tasks associated with Task #2?
Take a look at this step:
1、Milstone11 has been set to auto_scheduling = false,
2、Drag Task #2
3、The Task #5 date will be affected.Actually trying to stay still
4、Add a line to connect the end date of Task #2 to the start time of Task #6,as shown below.The date of Task #6 is affected by the dragging of the previous Task #2, and in fact the date of Task #2 is not the latest value
5、When Task #2 is connected to milstone11,Milstone11 has been set to auto_scheduling = false, how can Task #2 be dragged without affecting the connected tasks associated with Task #2
It seems that the successor tasks are auto-scheduled to a future date after dragging the predecessor task because of its constraint date. So, Gantt will always try to move them to a future date. And during that process, the dates of the task #2 are corrected, that’s why it looks as something unexpected.
To fix that, you need to modify the constraint_date property.
Here is the updated snippet: https://snippet.dhtmlx.com/30yuzhrk