When use enableColumnMove and setColSorting


When i enableColumnMove and setColSorting together, when i click the header to let the dhtmlxGrid sort by column, but dhtmlxGrid often enter the column move state, this is inconvenient.


Unfortunately the issue cannot be fixed.
Please, try to not to move your mouse while clicking on the header to sort the column.

I see, but this is not good.

When user sort columns, he first sort the column #1 to, then he move the mouse to column #2’s header to click the mouse quickly to sort by the column #2, then he move the mouse to column #3’s header to click the mouse quickly to sort by the column #3,
So you can see the mouse’s state is naturally always in moving state.

If I let the user when mouse to the column #2’s header he must stop quickly, then he can click the mouse and when clicking the mouse can’t move the mouse even 1px. I think this is not User friendly.

And other datagrid seldom has this problem.

So I hope you can solve this problem.