I added scripts and dll file to my project
where can i find the scheduler.config file as mentioned in this link:
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … ler.config
I added scripts and dll file to my project
where can i find the scheduler.config file as mentioned in this link:
docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … ler.config
sorry my mistake. i din notice js file,
tel me how to change the skin,I se glossy skin now.
i tried to replace the dhtmlxscheduler.css file with the content of terrace.css
still it din work,help please
Top-level properties of server-side scheduler object starts with capital letter, i.e.
scheduler.config.xml_date = "date string";
c#:var scheduler = new DHXScheduler(this);
scheduler.Config.xml_date = "date string";
Skin can be changed with following code:
scheduler.Skin = DHXScheduler.Skins.Terrace;
where scheduler is instance of DHXScheduler class
my default skin is glossy.
where is the code that made it as defaul?
also i have a doubt where to add the metioned code .
I use mvc3 with razor
This is default configuration, it’s applied inside the constructor of the scheduler
c# code goes to the same place where you create new DHXScheduler
js code can be placed on page where the scheduler is rendered