I am new to the dhtmlxtree,i have create a dhtmlxtree(myTree.html),but some problem happened: when i click the “myTree.html”,the tree load successful,but when i put the myTree.jsp(i change the file-postfix “.html” to “.jsp”) in struts 1.2 project, i click the button,it will load a tree in popup window(myTree.jsp will display in a popup window). the web server(Tomcat 6) will popup two alert window say :
window 1 say: Error Type:loadXML Description:Incorrect XML
window 2 say: Error Type:DataStructure Description:XML refers to not existing parent
============================myTree.jsp content==================================
<%@ page contentType=“text/html;charset=UTF-8” pageEncoding=“UTF-8”%>
var nodeIdString=nodeIdArray.join(",");
var nodeTextString=nodeTextArray.join(",");
return true;
<html:form action="/adduserprefer">
<td><input type="hidden" name="nodeId" id="nodeId"/></td>
<td><input type="hidden" name="nodetext" id="nodetext"/></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="submitData" value="确定" onclick="return getNodeData();" /></td>
<td><input type="button" name="cancel" value="退出" onclick="window.close();" /></td>
================================tree.xml content:====================================
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
i have googling rather time to solve the problem,but can not solve it. Somebody help me! i appreciate in advance. thank you!..(i am chinese,english is poor, and i try my best to express my problem clearly,so you can understand it best!)
Liming Xu