why obj have method getSubGrid()

why obj cannot find the method named " getSubGrid()" when click to Shrinkage and expansion?
some body can give me suggest?

mygrid.attachEvent(“onSubRowOpen”, function(id, state) {
var row = mygrid.getRowById(id);
if (state) {
row.className = “opened-row”;
var index = mygrid.getRowIndex(id);
var subgird = mygrid.cells(id,index).getSubGrid();
} else {
row.className = “closed-row”;

var index = mygrid.getRowIndex(id);
var subgird = mygrid.cells(id,index).getSubGrid();

the second parameter of cells() method is the column index but not the row index.

after use mygrid.getColIndexById(id);
Cannot read property ‘_cellType’ of undefined

i have user other way solve this problem. createFinder used in onSubGridCreated
not in onSubRowOpen ,then it can meet my requirements.
thank you for you reply.
mygrid.attachEvent(“onSubGridCreated”, function(subgrid, id, index, data) {

self.createFinder(subgrid, id);
return false; // block default behavior

Please, provide a more detailed sample of your code and clarify the issue.