Why this data is not rendering in UI?


  1. {data: Array(4), links: Array(0)}

  2. data: Array(4)

1. 0:

  1. $calculate_duration: true
  2. $effective_calendar: "global"
  3. $level: 0
  4. $local_index: 0
  5. $no_end: false
  6. $no_start: false
  7. $open: true
  8. $rendered_parent: "001401131108574043406336"
  9. $rendered_type: "task"
  10. $source: []
  11. $target: []
  12. duration: 1
  13. end_date: Fri Jan 13 1911 11:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) {}
  14. id: "1"
  15. open: true
  16. order: 10
  17. parent: "001401131108574043406336"
  18. progress: 0.6
  19. start_date: Fri Jan 13 1911 10:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) {}
  20. text: "Dell edited"
  21. [[Prototype]]: Object

2. 1: {id: '2', text: 'TEST Today', start_date: Sun Apr 15 1923 10:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time), duration: 1, order: 10, …}
3. 2: {id: '3', text: 'TEST Cal1', start_date: Tue Nov 14 1922 10:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time), duration: 1, order: 10, …}
4. 3: {id: '4', text: 'TEST Cal2', start_date: Tue Nov 14 1922 10:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time), duration: 1, order: 10, …}
5. length: 4
6. [[Prototype]]: Array(0)
  1. links: []
  2. [[Prototype]]: Object

this is console.log(ganttdata);

my UI is looking blank means no data or timeline is showing?


I see that the task dates are in 19xx years:

start_date: Fri Jan 13 1911

This means the dates in the JSON data don’t match the gantt.config.date_format parameter:

And if you limited the displayed date range with the gantt.config.start_date and gantt.config.end_date parameters, it is expected that you won’t see any task.

Also, I see that the first task has the parent parameter. If other tasks are its children, it means that the first task doesn’t have the parent task.
In that case, the first task won’t be displayed, and it is expected behavior:
Task Properties Gantt Docs.

To see the first task, you would need to modify or remove the parent parameter.
Here is an example of how it can be done:

If that doesn’t help you, it is hard to suggest what might be wrong as I don’t see your code.
In that case, please add your configuration to the following snippet and make sure that the issue is reproduced there:

Then, click on the Save button and send me the link.
Or send me a ready demo with all the necessary JavaScript and CSS files so that I can reproduce the issue locally.