Why treegrid td not aligned and sometimes has blank at right

Excuse me
My TreeGide td when after some selection or operations, it’s right is not aligned with the top line?And sometimes it has a blank area at right?
Those situation only disappered in ie8

Which version of grid you are using?
There is known issue with IE8 standard mode, which may render rows incorrectly, but it was fixed in dhtmlxGrid 2.6

v26 pro

dhtmlxSuite 2010 Rel.1 (DHTMLX 2.6) Professional edition build 100916(with IE9 fix applied) + dhtmlxChart 2.6.5

We can’t reconstruct the same problem locally, with latest grid version ( you are using the latest one )
If issue still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample or demo link where it can be reconstructed.

How can I upload the bmp image at local?
So you can see the issue

This is the sample from dhtmlx document

Can you see images?

Those situation only disappered in ie8
For which version of IE the above problem is occurs?


Problem confirmed for IE8 in Standard mode
Unfortunately it is issue in browser, not in component ( ie breaks table structure ), so there is no simple fix for it.

We will investigate issue and will try to provide some workaround.

This problem can be solved in new version ??
What difference between them?