Width and Scroll issue

I am testing the new version of dhtmlxdataview 4.0 and I can’t fix this issue:

In my page http:// www. webgerencial.com/venda/venda.html, I have a header and footer with 120px each one. The middle of the page (content is auto height). So, based in the resolution I open this page, the header will use 120px and footer more 120px and the diference will be use in the middle content.

I want use dhtmlxdataview on left side on my page inside my div id=“venda”.

My questions are:

  1. How to set up dataview to use 60% of width ?
  2. How to set up dataview to have only one cell per line ?
  3. How to set dataview to use only 100% of height of the parent div id=“venda”. Right now, the scroll is showing wrong.


Dataview items always have fixed width and height. There is not possibility to adjust a width or a height of items to size of Dataview container.

  1. How to set up dataview to use 60% of width ?

Dataview container should occupy 600% of page width. It depends on your page layout

  1. How to set up dataview to have only one cell per line ?

You need to set x_count:1 in Dataview configuration. Please see demo dhtmlxDataView/samples/01_initialization/07_fixed_height.html, but in this case Dataview will change size of its parent container according to total width of 2 items (230 is default item width)

  1. How to set dataview to use only 100% of height of the parent div id=“venda”. Right now, the scroll is showing wrong.

By default, dataview occupies the whole container where it is created. It does not change container sizes. Therefore, please check layout of your page.

I give up. I tried everything, but I can’t make this works.

I was planning to renew my old version and buy the new version 4.0, but I have no other option to go with Sencha or KendoUI.

I jut want the dataview looks like this one, with size based from the container div.

http:// cdn.sencha.com/touch/sencha-touch-2.3.1a/built-examples/kitchensink/index.html#demo/basicdataview

Is this possible ? I don’t want setup how many rows I will have. I just want setup the height of each element.

Please take a look in my demo page:

http:// webgerencial.com/venda/venda.html


DataView items can have only fixed width and height. So, it can not behave as you want. Sencha’s view with one column is more similar to List view of our dhtmlxTouch.