Width of Y axis legend on horizontal bar charts

Is there any way to force the yAxis on horizontal bar charts to be wider, see attached. Thanks.



you may use padding property to define the position of a chart, padding left will resolve the problem:

var chart = new dhtmlXChart({ view:"bar", padding:{ left:150 }, ... })

Great, thanks, I should have seen that in the docs. Do you know why the text is cut off at the baseline, for example lowercase g’s etc. get cut off?


Do you know why the text is cut off at the baseline, for example lowercase g’s etc. get cut off?

could you provide a sample that reproduces the problem ?

[code] var barChart = new dhtmlXChart({
view: “barH”,
container: “chart_container3”,
value: “#gpvcount#”,
label: “#gpvcount#”,
width: 20,
padding: {
left: 220
tooltip: {
template: “#details#”
yAxis: {
title: “Venue”,
template: “#details#”
xAxis: {
start: 0,
step: 10,
end: 100,
title: “% Response/Spend”
gradient: true,
border: false,
color: “#66cc33”,
legend: {
values: [{
text: “Spend”,
color: “#66cc33
}, {
text: “Response”,
color: “#ff9933
valign: “top”,
align: “center”,
width: 120,
layout: “x”,
marker: {
width: 15,
type: “round”

		value: "#spend#",
		color: "#ff9933",
		label: "#spend#"

where the json data produced is

$bstr='[ { id:"4", gpvcount:"3", spend:"19", details:"Yellow Pages"}, { id:"6", gpvcount:"4", spend:"3", details:"Roch. Parents Mag."}, { id:"7", gpvcount:"9", spend:"8.4", details:"Penny Saver"}, { id:"50", gpvcount:"22", spend:"1", details:"Friend/Family Referral"}, { id:"52", gpvcount:"13", spend:"1", details:"Search Engine"}, { id:"54", gpvcount:"26", spend:"6.4", details:"TV"}, { id:"55", gpvcount:"17", spend:"1", details:"Other"} ]';
and the div is

<div id="chart_container3" style="width:600px;height:290px;border:1px solid #A4BED4;"></div>


You may increase the title height in the dhx_axis_item_y style.


.dhx_axis_item_y { height:18px; line-height:18px; } [/code]