I’m using a Pro v3.6 of DHTMLX, having an issue with DHTMLX Window
My First implementation depends on hiding the window instead of closing it, so no need to recreate each time , but i noticed that it shows for the first time ok , but if hidden then i try to show it back it displays with transparent header and body (images attached) even when modal
so i took another approach to create/close the window each time it’s needed, but still the issue exist.
Thank you for your reply !
I understand the need for a demo to be able to replicate(unless the issue is known), but i apologize , as you understand events take place in a dynamic way (among others), so it’s hard to recreate the exact circumstances in the demo
i did a comparison between the two states (normal & transparent ) and found that:
In the transparent one : The DIV with “dhtmlx_wins_body_outer” class is missing the following css rule
i found that i need to put
every time before i create the window
leading to another question : what does the complete package (dhtmlx.js , dhtmlx.css ) exactly contain ( i sometimes need to add extra files like dhtmlxform_item_container.js , ftypes.css ,… to get some features correctly working)
is there a refrence?
you need to include all the files you have (including all css diles for correct work)
dhtmlxform_item_container.js is added in 3.6 version (if you have 3.5 and less you need to add not only this file, but all form (and form item) related js files
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