Window documentation discrepancies

  1. The two pages below state that the default width and height of the window is 50% of the browser but if these are not set explicitly in the constructor then the default window size is very small:

  1. The sample on the page below uses this code:

             var dhxWindow = new dhx.Window({
             header: "DHX Window",
             modal: false,
             resizable: true,
             movable: true

All is fine but the ‘header’ property seems to have no effect. Perhaps the difference between header/title or the purpose of ‘header’ is not clearly explained.

I apologize for the delay.
The problem with the docs is confirmed. We’ll fix it in the future.
For the title of your window please, try to use the ‘title’ attribute.
while the header attribute works similar to the footer and allows to display an additional content in the header of your window.
The logic is demonstrated here:
Where the toolbar is placed in the footer of the window.

The two pages below state that the default width and height of the window is 50% of the browser but if these are not set explicitly in the constructor then the default window size is very small:

The problem is confirmed. We’ll try to fix it in the future updates.

Thank you for your reports and the feedback.