Can smbd help me ? I need to use editer function of that awsm plugin in public, that means that everyone can edit spreadsheet on the page
what i need to change in code ? all that i can find about at - public (non registered user) can see buttons to edit and can write in sheet - BUT this not save
it’s not a correct spreadsheet behavior, if it show edit buttons then it must save data correctly.
Could you provide link to your spreadsheet?
I have the same need (That anybody can change in the spreadsheet. Not just registered people.). Did you find a solution?
Thanks in advance!
/Patrik Pistol
solution is not still available, because I can’t detect a problem which causes such behavior.
could you provide link to your spreadsheet and ability to edit it?
There is no problem. More of a wish. That anybody can edit the spreadchat without accsess the wordpress admin system. You could password protect the page where the spreadcheet is, so there should not be an security problem. Or am i right?
Regards from Stockholm
Oh, sorry, I thought about another thing.
To enable edit spreadsheet to everyone you have to open file wp-content/plugins/spreadsheet/spreadsheet_data.php and modify it like here:
//if (!isset($available_to[$usertype]) || $available_to[$usertype] == false)
// $conn->set_read_only(true);
Thanks!!! It worked perfectly!
Have a nice weekend!
/Patrik Pistol
Big thx to u That it is